Weddings are all about making memories and bringing people together. From Instagram hashtags and selfies to photo booths and Polaroid cameras, there are so many awesome and interactive ways to let others get in on the fun of capturing your day. But, wouldn’t it be nice if your guests gave themselves the opportunity to be completely present during the most important part of the day? Your ceremony is the time where you and your guests get to experience something special all together in that very moment. How often is it that you get everyone you love most in one room to help support and celebrate YOU?! Here are just a few reasons I recommend to all of my clients that an unplugged ceremony is the way to go!
1. It’s Annoying & Distracting to Your Guests
It’s annoying to the people in the audience. Neighboring wedding guests will have to crane their necks to see around other cameras, phones and iPads (that’s right- huge iPads show up at weddings all the time!) and no one wants to watch the magic unfold form behind an iPad screen.

2. It’s Unnecessary
As an obsessive photographer myself, I know how hard it can be not to capture some of these memories on your own device, but you can bet your bottom dollar that, just like the man to the right of the couple in this photo, I am also getting this beautiful shot of the couple’s first walk together. Plus, I’ve got a better angle! Sadly, the phone in this image takes away from the magic of the moment happening center stage!

3. It Gets in the Way!
So many times I will have found exactly where I want to plant myself to get those perfect shots down the aisle and then BAM, right as the moments are unfolding, cell phone after cell phone start popping up all down the aisle…right in my shot. At this point there’s nothing I can do but try to work around the devices in the aisle. This is a problem for photographers and videographers alike. By requesting that your guests be present in the moment with you, it gives us the opportunity to get clean shots without other devices in the way.

Of course, this does not apply to everyone! Some people LOVE to have all the different angels and perspectives, which is something I completely understand, too. But, if you’re one of those people who wants to feel the undivided attention and love of the people in your audience, there are tons of ways to make this happen! Here are just a few to get you thinkin’:
1. Make a Sign
There are a million signs to inspire you on Pinterest, but here is one from a recent wedding I did that is sweet and gets the point across!

2. Have Your Officiant Make an Announcement!
It’s super easy to build this into your timeline with your officiant long before the day ever arrives. They can wait until just before the ceremony begins and kindly ask everyone to silence their devices and put them away for the duration of the ceremony.

3. Include it in Your Program!
The Program is another place where you can discretely and kindly ask your guests to put their devices away!

As with all aspects of planning YOUR big day, take this all with a grain of salt. Every couple is different and you may want your guests to go wild with their camera gear! Choose what fits you best and will make you look back and say “I’m so glad I did it that way.”