It might seem like everyone out there can take great photos thanks to the capabilities that Smartphones have these days, but just like getting your driver’s license for the first time doesn’t make you a professional NASCAR driver or baking your first loaf of bread doesn’t make you a professional baker, there’s definite nuance and skill that comes with photography that can take a good photo to a fantastic one. A professional photographer is trained to take high quality photos; if it looks easy, it’s from years of practice and experience. An experienced photographer knows how to find or create the kind of light needed for your scene whether that be through the well trained eye of finding good natural light and manipulating it to work or creating that light with off camera flash tools. They know the right angles to use for different kinds of body types, how to get people to give an engaging look rather than the “dead eyes”, how to pose varying group sizes, create movement and action in a shot and how to frame a subject to make the photo more appealing. It’s more than just choosing the one photo in the series you took on your iPhone that looks the best. It’s about intentionally creating the best from the beginning.
Hiring a professional photographer to photograph your business, from headshots and lifestyle work to food and product, is a great first step. Hiring someone local to your area is supporting your local economy and shows other businesses you care about where your money goes. There are a huge number of reasons to hire a local photographer, but these are my top four:
1.Building Community + Referrals
A local photographer can be your business’s best friend, not just through helping to create images that tell the story of your business, but through referrals and word of mouth. Having been a part of the small business scene here in Bellingham for over 13 years, I know how powerful a local referral is and how meaningful it is to get that referral from another entrepreneur in your own town.

2. Giving Back and Participating in the Local Economy
I feel really passionately about helping people that live in my ecosystem. Whether that be through my photography and working with people to hone their brand’s message into a strong and cohesive story or by supporting them through custom consultations and education. I believe wholeheartedly that by offering one’s time, energy and knowledge that those people will offer the same to you in return. This kind of supportive relationship builds trust and helps build meaningful relationships. Moreover, I like to put my money where my mouth is and do my very best to buy and shop local whenever possible. By supporting other business owners in my area, I am helping to make the local economy strong and stable- an essential part of any thriving local economy.

Slice of Heaven Cafe, Bellingham Bakery
3. Seeing People and Brands Grow in Real Time
It’s SO fun to watch other entrepreneurs take the images we’ve created and put them to work on their websites, social media and in marketing campaigns that grow their businesses! I feel lucky to be a part of the journey that is building a successful business and I know how much time and energy goes into this big leap of faith. Helping others succeed by sharing my art and knowledge is exciting and rewarding. Be sure to check out The Maple Bar and Holly’s Meat Pies for just a snapshot of some locals I have worked with and are growing their businesses like crazy!

4. Shared Values
Partnering with other people + companies that share similar goals and values makes it easy to promote one another and portrays a cohesive message across your brand and business. It shows that you care about partnering with people who are willing to stand up for the things that you find important and it shows the community that you are invested in bigger goals than just making money.

Want to get something on the books? Reach out and let’s get the conversation started!